Team Cadance
Merch, website & shop
For all merch and shop inquiries including:
- Sales questions
- Support enquiries
- Returns & deliveries
Please contact:
Books & Appearances
Please contact Cady’s literary agent Pippa Masson @ Curtis Brown Australia.
Community Speaking, Journalist & Media Enquiries
Please contact Ellie, Cady’s E.A.
Cadance Bell
Cady LOVES to get supportive emails from people who enjoy her work.
She reads all mail… eventually.
Owing to her schedule of shenanigans she may not be able to reply quickly!

Become a member

$4.00 per month
- Support Cadance to develop new work
- 10% off merch
- Exclusive works, updates and invitations
- Early access to new Story Circle episodes
- Stream Mirror Spider free
Donate to Cady
Every donation helps further my work and create new stories! Thank you so much for your generous support!